MicroW8 is a WebAssembly based fantasy console inspired by the likes of TIC-80, WASM-4 and PICO-8.
The initial motivation behind MicroW8 was to explore whether there was a way to make WebAssembly viable for size-coding. (Size coding being the art of creating tiny (often <= 256 bytes) graphical effects and games.) The available examples so far are all in this space, however, I very carefully made sure that all design decisions make sense from the point of view of bigger projects as well.
- Screen: 320x240, 256 colors, 60Hz
- Modules: Up to 256KB (WASM)
- Memory: 256KB
- Gamepad input (D-Pad + 4 Buttons)
For detailed documentation see here.
- Skip Ahead (249 bytes): A port of my TIC-80 256byte game from LoveByte'21, now with sound
- Fireworks (127 bytes): Some fireworks to welcome 2022.
- OhNoAnotherTunnel (175 bytes): A port of my entry in the Outline'21 bytebattle final
- Technotunnel (157 bytes): A port of my entry in the Outline'21 bytebattle quater final
- Font & Palette: Just a simple viewer for the default font and palette.
Examplers for older versions:
- Technotunnel B/W (199 bytes uncompressed): A port of my entry in the Outline'21 bytebattle quater final (older MicroW8 version with monochrome palette)
- XorScroll (50 bytes uncompressed): A simple scrolling XOR pattern. Fun fact: This is the pre-loaded effect when entering a bytebattle.
- CircleWorm (126 bytes uncompressed): Just a test for the circle fill function.
- add support for sound on mono- and surround-only devices
- update wasmtime dependency to fix performance regression in 0.3.0
- add frame counter since module start at location 72
- add 6 and 7 parameter function types to base module